Monday, September 21, 2009

IPPA Online Web Strategy

Just chilling in the Kilmaninham gaol...sorry hilton with lots of lovely photographers from IPPA

Friday, September 18, 2009

Developing interest in social networks- Ireland

Great news this week from Facebook which now boasts an impressive 1million ireland based users! 1 million is a hell of a lot of Irish people.
781k of these have used their facebook account in the past 7 days making it a huge actively engaged client base.
Of that 55% are now in the over 35 age bracket so it's no longer about pimply spotty teeenagers getting their kicks on the weekend.
For me the facebook tipping point really came when my mother joined up. Now she is on facebook, so is her boyfriend, so are my two sisters, their boyfriends & fiances.
My brother is not my friend on facebook but that is cool cos he is currently following me on twitter. I sneakily started following him on twitter but he caught me out!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Facbooking My Way Forward

Was at the Dublin Chamber of Commerce Digital Media Networking Conference this morning. Was like a zombie after a late flight from London to Dublin and an interrupted night of sleep. However, after two or three cups of coffee I felt human enough to participate!

What a great meeting full of interesting and surprising people and ideas.

Loved this video showed by Rick Kelley of Facebook. Sums it all up..I think.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


It's been an interesting and busy summer..and unfortunately now it's over...Waking up in Limerick at 6 am on Tuesday 1st of September was a chilly reminder that we are now moving into the last quarter of the year! It was fecking freezing!
So what has happened well I was really busy with lots of projects. Work related madness must go on and of course been busy with JCI and my personal pet projects.
Gathering volunteers for Darby O Gill screenings and The Down Syndrome world Congress was a worthy cause.
I also attended plenty of car boot sales around the country in an effort with she who must be obeyed to save money and make money.

We set up Twisted Sister Vintage Style which is a vintage clothing and jewellery retailer and we took the show on the road in Cork, Clare, Limerick and Dublin among toher exotic locations. We had such a good laugh! And met some interesting and cool people too.
Now I have some time I'll be eager to write about it in the blog!
Great to be back!